February Beautify

Mosaic!  Your chance to beautify our community in February is here! We will be volunteering on Sunday, February 16, at the We Care Thrift Store, which is a part of the Love Inc. organization that serves the greater Whatcom community.  The best part? Rain or shine, snow or sleet, you will be inside!  Sign up for a slot on our SignUp Genius here.

There is also an opportunity to make cookies for the Southside Community dinner on the evening of Sunday, Feb. 16, at Our Savior's Lutheran Church. The Table is cooking, and we'd love to have you join (with or without cookies). Use the SignUp Genius if you are able to gather your family or friends to make some dessert for the dinner!  If you are unable to attend the dinner and would like to drop off cookies, coordinate with Aaron:

Questions?  Contact


The first thing we learn about the Jewish understanding of God, is that God is creative. Not just "slap a bunch of paint against a wall" creative, but "bringing order out of chaos and 'very good'" creative.

Why do you suppose the writers of Genesis wanted us to know that? At Mosaic, we think it is because it shows mankind that our creativity and desire for beauty come from the fact that we are created in Gods image. It also shows us something beautiful about God.

This is why we seek to bring beauty in our world. It can be picking up trash, cleaning up a run down lot, serving an organization that helps people, caring for our environment or just offering a hand to someone in need.

Want To Help Organize Beautify Sunday's?

We are always looking for people who have a passion to serve and want to give some time to making our beautify Sunday's meaningful for our city and the families in our church. The more eyes we have looking for ways to serve, the more we can help those in need. Click the button below to coordinate with our Beautify Team.